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Осторожностъ-лУчшая частъ дОблести // Следует избегатъ неоnравданноrо рИска.

There was а long pause while he tried, 1 suppose, to think of another tactic, but he must have decided that discretion was the better part of valour, for he went on abruptly, "Didn't those bo}'!l say something about wanting to swim?" (du Maurier)·

"You tell me not to answer back, and then you say you're waiting," Sophia blubbered thickly. "What's that you say? How can I tell what you say if you talk like that?" But Mrs. Baines failed to hear out of discretion, which is better than valour. (Bennett)

His cabinet crumbled away, his host of advisers wrangled among themselves, and inaction seemed to bim tЬе better part of valorat least it could Ье defended on the ground that nothing should bе done to еmberrаss the incoming President. ( Ch. & М. Beard) "You are young, Brother Lennan," his tutor went on. "Now, at what age do you consider men develop discretion? Because there is just one thing always worth remembering-women hаvе nоnе of tЬat better part of valour." ( Galsworthy)

Antonio da Sangallo had bесоme so firmly entrenched during his twenty years as architect of St. Peter's that no one dared attack him. Michelangelo realized that it was tЬе better part of diiCI'etion to keep stiJL Yet he burned inwardly, for he had never gotten over the feeling that St. Peter's was his own project because he had been part of the cause of its inception. (Stone)